Delicious Compassion

Between the beginning of July and the end of September, 2010, our family ate a diet that was vegetarian, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free, wheat-free, and nut-free. As part of the treatment protocol for eosinophilic esophagitis, the “six food elimination diet” was supposed to remove the worst potential allergens from my daughter Sammi’s system, hopefully healing her esophagus and giving us the chance to add the offenders back one at a time later until the real culprit was found. The full elimination portion of the diet was just plain awful.

While the rest of us could sneak off and have such luxuries as omelets and almonds and bagels, Sammi was living this diet 100% of the time. We did everything we could to make it palatable; we made elaborate fruit salads and learned to cook ridiculously complicated foods. We spent a lot of time at the farmer’s market, trying new produce. We went to the beach. Our friends and family circled the wagons and did what they could. In all of this, I can only really remember snapshots — the most powerful moments preserved in a visceral feeling of either dread or deep relief.

Snap. My friend Christine arriving at daycamp with her children and a pan of crispy rice treats made on parchment paper with gluten-free cereal. “I poured boiling water over my spatula,” she said. “And the pan was brand new, but I used parchment paper just in case.”

Snap. My mother-in-law coming to my house with four bags of groceries from her local health food store. She bustled in and told me, “I showed the owner the list of foods she couldn’t have and he spent an hour with me walking through the store. Read all these labels anyway, though, before you give them to her.”

Snap. All through the fall of her kindergarten year, Sammi’s best friend’s mom sent clementines or bananas when it was her turn to provide snack, knowing that those were the only things Sammi could eat that I didn’t send. “I could eat the same snack as everyone today, Mommy!”

cakeSnap. In the middle of all of it, Sammi turned five, and my sister-in-law, fresh from classes in cake decorating, came over to help me decorate the only thing I could use for a cake: crispy rice treats. Carefully, slowly, we referenced a photo of the backdrop on Sammi’s favorite tv show.

One of the strongest memories I have of that time, though, was the deep, deep compassion bestowed on us by an employee of the candy company Jelly Belly. As a special treat for our kids, their great-aunt had offered to take them on a tour of the Jelly Belly factory about an hour away from home. As luck would have it, Jelly Belly jellybeans are free of all the top eight allergens. I confirmed this on the phone before they left.

They had a wonderful time at Jelly Belly headquarters and came home with souvenirs and, unsurprisingly, mountains of jellybeans. It was a moment of normalcy in a totally abnormal summer. And then, I read the side of one of the bags of candy they’d eaten on the tour:

Produced on shared equipment with peanuts

I cannot overstate the panic I felt. Even though Sammi would not get sick from this, it meant that the previous four weeks of crazy diet had been in vain. This excursion fell nearly at the end of the first six-weeks of the diet, after which Sammi would have an endscopy and then be given permission to take a short break from restriction to go on a family trip we’d been planning for years. This cross-contamination debacle would force us to cancel that trip and start the six weeks of diet from zero.

I went into a tailspin, grasping at anything I could imagine. I called the Jelly Belly factory again, horrified and furious and devastated all at once. What happened after that is best described in this excerpt from the letter I sent to the Vice President of Marketing for Jelly Belly.

“…I made a frantic call to Jelly Belly to see if perhaps the bags had been mislabeled. Kit McCoy called me back right away and immediately set to work checking lot numbers, re-checking with the production facilities, and calling me several times that day to update me on her progress. While she did that, I steeled myself for the possibility that, because we may have contaminated my daughter’s system with peanuts, we would have to postpone her endoscopy and cancel a family vacation we had been planning for over a year. Our window of opportunity for making this decision was very narrow.

Imagine my relief when Kit contacted me that very day to give me the news that the bags of Jelly Bellies that my daughter had eaten were simply “old film” – the beans inside were produced without any offending allergens. Kit’s quick research saved us an additional month of restricted diet, the loss of our long-planned vacation, and tremendous heartache. She deserves your praise and any commendation you can give her!

I am sharing our story with allergy support groups, friends, and medical staff to praise your company’s consumer relations and commitment to quality and safety. We are so grateful. We will be eating Jelly Bellies – and insisting that family carefully read labels – forever!”


I don’t know anything about Kit McCoy. I don’t know if she understands what she did for us. I’ll say this: without Kit McCoy, and her compassion, we would have lost this moment, on our vacation three weeks later: cruise

And more than that, I would have lost time, faith, and so much energy on recreating what we’d done all over again. Kit McCoy, wherever you are: you gave us time. You gave us space. You gave us hope.

Thank you.


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Terrible Conversation, Part I

At the end of June, 2010, our daughter, Sammi, was diagnosed with an inflammatory disorder called Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Her esophagus was coated in several places with the white blood cells called eosinophils, making it look something like eczema inside. These cells — these eosinophils, a word we had to practice saying, slowly — were poorly understood by even the experts on the disorder. Common knowledge at the time of her diagnosis was that they are the result of a protein intolerance.

Something Sammi was eating was making her body attack her esophagus. It could be more than one thing. It could be lots of things.

We were given two options for treating it. One was to begin treating her esophagus with what was known as a steroid slurry. The ampules of liquid steroid that were usually plugged into an asthma nebulizer would be cracked open, spilled into a dish in our kitchen and mixed with ten packets of splenda, the non-calorie sweetener. She’d then swallow this slurry twice a day, thirty minutes before eating. The steroid, mixed with the splenda, would coat the esophagus and act as a topical steroid paste, bringing down the inflammation in her esophagus. No one knew what the long-term effects of swallowing steroids would be, but they were 98% effective at resolving the symptoms of the disorder.

The other option was much more intensive, expensive, and time consuming, and it might not work. It was known as SFED — the Six Food Elimination Diet. Current thinking about eosinophilic esophagitis is that the most common triggers for the disease are the top six most common allergens: eggs, soy, nuts, fish, wheat, and dairy. Beginning by eliminating all of those foods from the diet for six weeks, and then adding each food back in, one at a time, with an endoscopy in between each one, this protocol would isolate the offending food or foods. For 80% or more of children, this worked to find the culprit or culprits, which could then be eliminated permanently from that child’s diet, leaving the child to lead an otherwise normal life.

We chose the diet.tomato

And then we had to tell her.

It is difficult to describe what those days were like before we launched into this plan, which we decided would be a family diet whenever the four of us were together. We read the packet mailed to us by the doctors’ office, explaining all of the things that would have to be removed from her diet. It was an exhausting list. Not only could she not have any of the “six foods,” but she could not have any products which had been made on shared equipment with any of those things. We were already vegetarians, and the doctor didn’t want us to add meat into her diet if it hadn’t been there before. What was left?

We made a list. I still have it, a yellow legal pad scribbled furiously with all the things she could eat. The list was bizarre as it was lopsided, lots of fruits and vegetables, few proteins. Lots of strange grains, few familiar foods. Once we had covered both sides of a piece of paper, we sat our children down one day on the kitchen floor to try to explain to them what was coming.

They were eight and not-quite-five. Being forced to stay calm for them, to focus on the positive, was the only reason I didn’t fall to pieces. We explained that we had good news; we now knew why Sammi’s food kept coming back into her mouth. Her esophagus was sick! We drew a body on paper, showed them where the esophagus was, drew a frown on it. We talked about allergies, about our friend’s daughter with celiac disease, about feeling crummy and then feeling better. We brought out the list of allowed foods and cheered along as favorites were listed.

Blueberries! YAY!

Tortilla chips! WOO HOO!

Black beans! Avocado! Peaches! Tomatoes!

We made Sammi promise not to eat food given to her by anyone but us. We made Ronni promise to keep an eye out for her sister. We made a chart listing all the new foods we were going to try, giving everyone a vote for each one (yuck, eh, not bad, great). We hugged them tight, and they went off to play.

I wanted to cry. I didn’t. I rolled my sleeves up, pulled out my cookbooks, and got to work. This diet, in one form or another, would last a full year, and it would take everything I had. There wasn’t time to stop and weep.

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The stories I tell about my daughter — and about my experience as her mother — feel as if they belong mostly to me. For so many reasons, I’ve turned out to be the person who’s handled the majority of her health issues, a role that feels as anachronistic as it does unchangeable. I’ve written very little about Sammi’s sister, Ronni, and perhaps even less about her father, David, except in first-person-plural, the other party implied whenever I write that “we” worried.

When we found out that Sammi’s aorta was the problem, it was a total shock — so shocking, in fact, that David had not come with me to the hospital that day. He’d been visiting his grandmother, who had pneumonia, and as a precaution against spreading it, he’d stayed away from the children’s hospital. My friend Cathy came with me that day. It was Cathy who sat next to me in the consultation room as the doctor explained what a double aortic arch was, and Cathy who looked me in the eye and told me it would be ok. It was Cathy who held Sammi as I called David at work and told him to get out a pen and start taking notes. It was Cathy who stepped outside with me and my woozy baby into the bright, mocking sunlight and steered me toward lunch, breathing, and reason. She was irreplaceable — exactly the presence I needed.

I remember not wanting to tell David, wishing I could give him another day without knowing what was about to happen. Nearly four years later, he had the chance to do that for me, and he did.


Every summer since Sammi was two, I’ve gone away for one weekend to the Indiana Fiddlers’ Gathering, a musical festival for traditional string music in a park over the grounds of the Tippecanoe battleground. As an old-time fiddler myself, it’s an opportunity to be immersed in the music I love, to feel the air on my skin in a way that mothers don’t often feel with young children at home. It’s my get-out-of-parenting-free weekend, once a year.

A week before the Fiddlers’ Gathering in 2010, when Sammi was four, she had her first endoscopy. The brusque and busy doctor had emerged from the operating room after the procedure with a glossy page of photographs of Sammi’s esophagus.

“See here?,” she said, pointing to a shiny spot in the photo, “This is something I sent out for biopsy. It could be yeast — that sometimes happens when the kids take these reflux drugs for so long — but it could be something else. We’ll let you know when we get the results.”

David and I squinted at the photo, “What could it be?” I asked.

“Well,” she said, a step away already, “there’s a chance it could be this thing we’re seeing nowadays called allergic esophagitis. It’s a big deal. Let’s hope it’s not that.”

“What do you do about that?,” I asked as she walked another step or two away.

“There’s a complicated diet. Sometimes they can give you some drugs. We have a specialist for it in our practice. Hopefully it’s just yeast.” By the time she finished talking, she had already turned her back to us and was walking away. A nurse walked us to the recovery room to sit with Sammi as she woke up.

For days, I listened for the phone call. My hand was on my cell phone, my ears prickling with the vigilance. On Friday, when I left for the fiddle festival, I told David to get in touch with me if the doctor called with results.

I phoned him on Saturday from my tent, asking “Did the doctor call?”

There was a pause. “No,” he said. “Sorry. Not yet.”

The weekend was soul-enriching, as I knew it would be. I arrived home Sunday, dirty and happy, unloading tents and camping equipment and my fiddle from the car. His mother was there for the afternoon, playing with the kids. David asked me to come up to our room. He closed the door. He said we needed to talk.

“The doctor called on Friday,” he said. “I didn’t want to ruin your weekend.”

Sammi had been diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis. It is, we would come to learn, a black-and-white disease: you have it or you don’t. The diagnosis is lifestyle-altering, unclear, prognosis poor, and ambiguously treated.

It was the end of our little world as we were coming to know it. David delayed that end for me by 48 hours. In the days that followed — frantic, drowning days — I knew that he had sat with that knowledge alone, no one to talk to, for two nights.

That was the most gallant, valiant, and noble thing anyone will ever do for me.

If I mention him very little in our story, it is partially because in just that weekend, he did enough for me to treasure him for many years to come.


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A New Person

fourIn late April of 2010, our four year old daughter Sammi was a real person.

She was round-faced and giggly, with big brown eyes that squinted up at us in the sunlight under her blondish brown fluffy hair. She sang as she played, totally aware of the things she needed to master before kindergarten in the fall. She practiced tying her shoes with her tongue sticking out, just as her father does when he concentrates. She took a kids’ acrobatics class at a local circus school, charming everyone with her huge smile and bulldog energy, half the size of the other four year olds and twice the personality. Her voice sounded like a sped-up record — high and squeaky.

She was the mascot of her older sister’s class at elementary school, and teachers who knew Sammi would be coming as a student in the fall would wink at her as she and I walked through the hallways to volunteer or to pick up her sister. Her preschool was less than two blocks from the elementary school, and I found myself in a rhythm I could finally count as lucky. This is a good life, I often thought to myself. Next year, it would be easy — both girls in one school. For five days a week, five and a half hours a day, I would have time utterly to myself to work, manage our home, and maybe even volunteer in their school.

It would have been perfect, except that Sammi was still unable to function without a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). Take away her reflux medicine, and the gagging and coughing increased dramatically. Even on it, she still made a funny sound several times a day, after which, if asked, she’d matter-of-factly describe the last food she’d eaten rising back into her mouth.

Her pediatrician laid down the law: at four-and-a-half, Sammi needed to see a gastroenterologist again. She shouldn’t have infant reflux anymore.

We called the practice associated with the big children’s hospital in our area and were assigned the one doctor whose name we’d heard before. The rumors weren’t flattering — she was described as cold, bordering on rude, and very dismissive of parent input. A friend had told us this doctor insisted, over the phone, that she mimic the sound of her daughter’s retching so that the doctor could determine if it was really retching and not something else. Still, we saw this visit as a formality, at most a chance to get a more appropriate prescription for Sammi. How much time would we really need to spend with this doctor, anyway?

Unfortunately, this doctor was unwilling to talk about medication. “She shouldn’t be on a PPI anymore,” she told us. “I need to scope her.”

Scope her. It sounded vaguely alien to me — like probe, maybe. What she meant was that Sammi would undergo an endoscopy, to take a look at her esophagus and see what was happening in there to cause so much reflux. While they were in there, Sammi’s old otolaryngologist — the same one who had diagnosed her strange cardiac anatomy more than three years earlier — would perform another bronchoscopy to see if her trachea had opened up further.

This would make the fifth time I’d stand at Sammi’s side in an operating room and sing to her until the anesthesia knocked her unconscious. It would have been the sixth if they’d let me in the cardiac theater before they repaired her aorta in 2006.

This time, though, Sammi was a person. She wasn’t a baby or a toddler. She was four, and she talked with me, and we planned to open a restaurant together one day called “Sammi’s Restaurant: It’s Free!” She held my hand while we walked in a circle from home to preschool to her sister’s elementary school and back. She was looking forward to turning five, when she’d be allowed both to chew gum and to go to kindergarten.

It was happening again. It was all happening again. And now it was happening to a new little friend.

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Tandem Tantrums


I never felt alone again after someone else admitted to me that she didn’t know what to do.

By the time Sammi was three, I had established a work-from-home-parent setup in our new town. Her big sister was in the early years of grade school, and Sammi’s visits to the school every day by stroller brought both of us into a brand new world of other human beings. Living as we had in seclusion for the first years of her life — both due to medical necessity and then the secondhand isolation that came from it — I was unprepared for the beauty that came with speaking to other adults every single day. Many of the people I met were like me, pushing strollers with younger siblings to the playground each morning and afternoon. Our walkable public school made for a glory of impromptu social gatherings. It was only a mile from our previous home but may as well have been another country from it in terms of the effect it had on my own mental health. I was able to connect regularly with a variety of other parents for the first time.

Also for the first time, I heard complaints about their children that echoed my own. One winter afternoon when I had managed to cram Sammi into winter clothing and push her rickety stroller the four blocks to the first grade exit door where her sister would come out, another parent with a baby in a stroller and a three year old boy dragging behind her waved at me. Her daughter and my older daughter Ronni had established a mutual admiration society which would eventually lead the way to one of the best friendships of our family’s life, but truly, it began for me when this mother answered my “How’s it going?” with the following lightning bolt of connection:

“How’s it going?! I’m done. I give up. I’m taking him in to be assessed for sensory issues. I can’t take this craziness anymore.”

Her son refused to wear boots. Or a coat. Or socks. I may have the details wrong, but I heard in it the same line of edge-balancing I felt in my time alone at home with Sammi. Sammi would not get dressed. Sammi would not go to sleep. Sammi would not eat. Sammi would not leave a place we were, or enter a place we needed to be.

She was also, like my new friend’s son, breathtakingly cute.

I couldn’t see the struggle in my friend’s son’s round, gorgeous face. No one could see my blond angel for the often furious child she was at home. It was invisible and, as a result, so was my real state-of-mind most days when I entered that playground. I waved, I connected, I made plans, I shared bags of grapes. Under the surface, I was desperate not to go home to another evening of screaming tantrums that reminded me so terribly of the sleep training that nearly killed her, and me.

Sammi’s tantrums regularly included self-harm. She smashed her head, over and over, into anything she could find — hard edges, hard floors, wood tables, toys. I wondered if she was trying to finish what her crazy cardiac anatomy had started.

That friend’s admission that she, too, fought the demons in her head — and the one small demon who lived in her house — changed my whole approach. When I found that she had years of experience in mental health services and even that didn’t keep her from feeling the level of frustration I did, it cemented in me the need to reach out and have things assessed. Once again, I called in the experts. Once again, I admitted that I couldn’t fix things.

Only this time, I was not alone.

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